Age Of The Sentry #5 - Midtown Comics

Age Of The Sentry #5

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"From the Minutes: 1) Dedicate Sentry statue on Tuesday. 2) Petition Daily Bugle for more Sentry features. 3) Invite Scout againt to ice-cream social (if refused, consider replacing sidekick) 4) Lindy Lee deemed not good enough for our hero; will be Removed. The Official Sentry Fan Club is now in session! Also, the Sentry and his 31st century Guardians of the Galaxy teammates get the call when a planet named Idda is about to give birth, and the only known planetary midwifery tome is guarded by the remains of a savage race! Will they reach the book in time? Live through a horrifying space battle? And will the Sentry even notice Sun Girl has a crush on him? Join the Sentry and the star-spanning Guardians in their quest to deliver big!"

Item #: 1004613 Diamond code: NOV082400

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