Crossed #4 Wrap Cvr - Midtown Comics

Crossed #4

Wrap Cvr

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Garth Ennis has pulled out all the stops to write the most twisted book of his career, Crossed. Already a nightmare, things take a turn for the horrifying worst as Cindy’s party encounters their deepest fear, a group of Crossed that are hunting them. Tired, hungry, and low on all supplies, now they face a clever bunch of the most evil S.O.Bs you can imagine. Nothing is going right, but this is no fairy tale — there are no magic cures on the horizon. When civilization crumbles in one terrifying moment; when people are gleefully breaking into unthinkable acts of violence all around you; when everyone you love has died screaming in agony: What do you do? There is no help. There is no hope. There is no escape. There are only the Crossed! This stomach-churning vision is brought to vivid (and more than a little disturbing) life by his partner in crime Jacen Burrows."

Item #: 1012767 Diamond code: NOV083811

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