Buckaroo Banzai Origins #1 Regular Ed Hannigan Cover - Midtown Comics

Buckaroo Banzai Origins #1

Regular Ed Hannigan Cover

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"A Tomb with a View It's another new tale of Buckaroo Banzai written by his creator! What made Buckaroo the man of science & justice that he is today? Let's go back to that fateful day. His visionary father testing the Overthruster — and the tragedy that followed. Young Buckaroo had to grow up fast, as you will see, for the World Crime League was well aware of his potential even then! They go after him and all that's in the Banzai name with guns blazing! Join young Buckaroo, his mother, Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, and a band of Apache Shepherds to make things right!"

Item #: 1013528 Diamond code: NOV084206

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