Amazing Spider-Man Family #5 - Midtown Comics

Amazing Spider-Man Family #5

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Never send a man to do a girl’s job! That’s right, Spider-Fans, Mayday Parker, the spectacular SPIDER-GIRL joins the Family this month and she’s here to stay to answer one crucial question: Who is GWEN REILLY? Elsewhere, take another trip to the neighborhood battlefield of Forest Hills, Queens, with Aunt May – THE AMAZING SPIDER MA’AM! And back in our universe, Spidey teams up with brand new foe SCREWBALL in a race against the clock to rescue a young child, and in the Private Life Of Peter Parker, new pal Carlie Cooper shows Pete how a real cop solves crimes--it’s Ladies’ month here in the family, so stop on by!"

Item #: 1017511 Diamond code: FEB092490

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