Best Of The West #70 - Midtown Comics

Best Of The West #70

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"This showcase of the very best Western features of the Golden Age continues, this issue bringing readers not only more stories displaying the artwork of the masters of the genre like Dick Ayers, Frank Bolle, John Severin and Will Elder, but introducing three features never previously seen in Best of the West — including Sheriff Sal, one of the rare female Western stars; The Masked Ranger, seen here in ""Mystery of the Masked Ranger,"" the character's origin; from Masked Ranger #1; and the first appearance of The Cross-Draw Kid in the story ""Six-Gun Justice,"" from Western Adventures #1. Plus, favorites including The Haunted Horseman, Redmask, Durango Kid, Black Diamond, and Black Bull!"

Item #: 1021701 Diamond code: NOV083722

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