Cable Vol 2 #14 Cover C 2nd Ptg Ariel Olivetti Variant Cover (Messiah War Part 4) - Midtown Comics

Cable Vol 2 #14

Cover C 2nd Ptg Ariel Olivetti Variant Cover (Messiah War Part 4)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"“X-FORCE/CABLE: MESSIAH WAR,” PART 4—The sequel to 2007’s MESSIAH COMPLEX continues here! For the first time, Cable’s been separated from the girl he’s sworn to raise and protect — Hope, the so-called “Mutant Messiah” — and now she’s in the hands of his greatest enemy! Meanwhile, X-Force, sent by Cyclops on a desperate rescue mission to the deep future, scrambles to find their way out of a trap that will kill them in a matter of hours. And if that’s not enough, an old — some might say ancient — enemy of the X-Men has reared his ugly head one last time..."

Item #: 1023556 Diamond code: MAR098158

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