Strange Adventures Of HP Lovecraft #3 - Midtown Comics

Strange Adventures Of HP Lovecraft #3

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"Innocents are dying gruesome deaths. The police are closing in fast. And H.P. Lovecraft has forever lost the faith of the woman he adores. Is all hope lost? That’s how it looks to our poor, young writer who now believes his nightmares are coming true, springing from his head into the real world – with deadly results! Afraid he might be unleashing hell on earth, Lovecraft fights against sleep with all his might. But it’s a battle he can’t win. So he turns to the only person he believes he can trust. Is it a mistake? And will Lovecraft solve the mystery of his curse before his nightmares kill again?"

Item #: 1027081 Diamond code: APR090394 UPC: 70985300744900311

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