Adventure Comics Vol 2 #2 Cover B Incentive Adventure Comics 505 Francis Manapul Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Adventure Comics Vol 2 #2

Cover B Incentive Adventure Comics 505 Francis Manapul Variant Cover

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"Superboy is back and living out his teenage years in Smallville. But all is not as it seems in Superman’s hometown. And while Conner reunites with his former girlfriend, Wonder Girl, to see if they have a future together, Lex Luthor and Brainiac form a partnership that will cause havoc throughout the DC Universe. But what do their plans have to do with Conner and the other students at Smallville High? Plus, in the Legion of Super-Heroes co-feature, which takes place all the way in the 31st century, Lightning Lad travels to the prison planet of Takron-Galtos to confront his brother, Lighting Lord. There, Lightning Lord informs Lighting Lad of a shocking family secret that sets the pieces in motion for a war that will decide the future of the universe. Yeah, the universe. No big."

Item #: 1038203 Diamond code: JUL090182 UPC: 76194128102550521

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