Azrael Vol 2 #1 Incentive Frazer Irving Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Azrael Vol 2 #1

Incentive Frazer Irving Variant Cover

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"Following the events of “The Eighth Deadly Sin” in BATMAN ANNUAL #27 and DETECTIVE COMICS ANNUAL #11, the new monthly series starring Death's Dark Knight begins! Michael Lane is a man in search of redemption, but does serving the Order of Purity as God's Angel of Justice bring him closer to achieving his goal – or simply send him further down a road paved with good intentions? When a hired killer comes to Gotham City seeking revenge for crimes committed decades in the past, Azrael faces an impossible conflict: What if God's justice forces the hero to claim one of God's servants?"

Item #: 1043448 Diamond code: AUG090111 UPC: 76194128664800121

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