Zombie Handbook TP - Midtown Comics
Zombie Handbook TP
Zombie Handbook TP

Zombie Handbook TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"A few years ago, building an acid pit and stocking skull-splitting machetes would have been seen as an overreaction to the zombie threat. No longer! To survive the coming zombie apocalypse--and it is coming--you need to know everything about zombies and how to kill them.

Thoroughly illustrated, this book is the definitive guide to zombies and all their blood-soaked traits, from feeding habits and dietary needs to sexual practices and political activities. THE ZOMBIE HANDBOOK lays out your step-by-step plan of attack to not only survive the zombies' assault, but to counter it and obliterate the army of the undead, including tips for:
- Zombie-proofing your home
- Setting lures and traps
- Choosing the best weapons
- Exploding their brains"

Item #: 1047704 ISBN: 9781569757055

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