Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #4 Incentive Nick Runge Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #4

Incentive Nick Runge Virgin Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Part 4 (of 4): ""A Win-Winston!"" While Peter, Ray and Egon were trapped in the time stream, Winston has been waging a guerilla war against Kozar'Rai and his demonic stormtroopers. But before the four of Ghostbusters can celebrate their reunion, they need to stop Kozar'Rai from reassembling Stonehenge in the heart of Central Park! Also, a bonus 8-page back-up story starring Janine, from Ilias Kyriazis and artist Mike Dialynas!"

Item #: 1052324 Diamond code: OCT090976 UPC: 82771400100600412

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