Jericho Season 3 #2 Cvr A Scott West - Midtown Comics

Jericho Season 3 #2

Cvr A Scott West

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"From the minds of the Jericho writing team and written by Jason M. Burns, the second installment of Jericho: Season Three: Civil War finds Jake and Hawkins on the road as Wanted Men. Forced to enter into enemy territory, they must use the help of the Jericho Resistance to make their way through an Allied States processing town on the Texas Border. Disguised as refugees, our heroes must maneuver past hi-tech cameras, armed ASA soldiers and local black market thugs to continue their mission to find terrorist John Smith."

Item #: 1058170 Diamond code: SEP090729 UPC: 88214200300800201

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