Terminator 2029 #1 Cover A Regular Cover - Midtown Comics

Terminator 2029 #1

Cover A Regular Cover

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"The year is 2029. It's the year that John Connor, leader of the Resistance, sends Kyle Reese to 1984 to save Sarah Connor from a T-800 with a grudge.

But before all of that happened, Kyle Reese was just another man fighting to survive in a world overrun by a technology that had taken on a life of its own and annihilated civilization.

Who was Kyle before he met John Connor and was thrust through time to face off with a T-800 and fall for a waitress with a destiny? And who were his comrades in arms?

In this three-issue series we'll meet Kyle Reese and his closest allies as they take on T-600s, T-800s, and HKs, in a world where there is little in the way of food, water, or hope."

Item #: 1074684 Diamond code: JAN100123 UPC: 76156817027600111

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