Terminator 2029 #2 - Midtown Comics

Terminator 2029 #2

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"In the barely-remembered time before the Terminators, the life of a young woman key to humanity's survival depends on the actions of Kyle Reese in present-day 2029. But Kyle may not live long enough to help Sarah Conner if he and his companions Ben and Paige can't escape Skynet's terrifying new weapon—Terminators that look just like people!

Guided by information about a hidden Cyberdyne facility, the three friends must brave T-800s, HKs, rogue resistance gangs, and other threats in their search for any advantage against the machines. What they can't anticipate is the nature of the incredible resource hidden within the facility's walls!"

Item #: 1079725 Diamond code: FEB100025 UPC: 76156817027600211

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