Light Bumper Edition - Midtown Comics

Light Bumper Edition

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"If you've missed out on the first two issues of the fierce, action-packed, gritty tale of survival, that's been called ""28 Days Later meets 30 Days of Night,"" read it now in this special re-presentation of the first two issues of The Light, written by Nathan Edmonson (Olympus) with art by Brett Weldele (The Surrogates). In #1, ""Outbreak,"" a mysterious virus infects anyone that looks into an electric light, so an abusive father blindfolds his daughter to escape as people burn alive from the inside out. In #2, ""101,"" they witness how far the virus has spread when they escape up the Oregon coast, encounter other survivors, learn more about the infection, and understand what they must do to stay safe from the Light."

Item #: 1086578 Diamond code: APR108074

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