Thor The Mighty Avenger #1 - Midtown Comics

Thor The Mighty Avenger #1

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"He's banished, he's mad, and he wants to FIGHT. ROGER LANGRIDGE (Muppet Show, Eisner and Harvey Award nominee) and CHRIS SAMNEE (SIEGE: EMBEDDED, The Mighty) re-imagine the God of Thunder in THOR THE MIGHTY AVENGER! THRILL as he battles robots the size of cities! GASP as he tames the mightiest sea creatures! SWOON as he rescues damsels from the vilest villains! It's Thor as you've NEVER seen him, hammering his way into your hands TWICE this month!"

Item #: 1088979 Diamond code: MAY100621 UPC: 75960606846300111

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