Terminator 1984 #1 - Midtown Comics

Terminator 1984 #1

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"After the shocking events he witnessed in humanity's future, Kyle Reese has made the history-changing jump from the year 2029 to a world previously beyond his imagining—1984 Los Angeles. It's a time before the war, before Skynet, but not without danger, as Kyle begins his mission to find and protect Sarah Connor from time-traveling T-800s. Close behind is Kyle's friend Ben, with a crucial mission of his own. Hot off the critically-acclaimed Terminator: 2029, Zack Whedon and Andy MacDonald begin the next chapter of Kyle's journey toward destiny in their gripping reimaging of James Cameron's classic."

Item #: 1102111 Diamond code: JUL100027 UPC: 76156817114300111

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