Countdown The Novel MMPB - Midtown Comics
Countdown The Novel MMPB
Countdown The Novel MMPB

Countdown The Novel MMPB

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The explosive novelization of the events that followed the cataclysm of Infinite Crisis! When the primordial gods of antiquity perished in some bygone cataclysm, the universe gave birth to a new breed of gods who reigned from two eternally warring worlds - the heavenly New Genesis and the hellish Apokolips. Now, a vast conspiracy of evil is determined to eradicate the New Gods, stealing their souls to wield universal power that can destroy all of reality! Five unlikely superheroes must defend Earth against the machinations of Darkseid and the New Gods of Apokolips.

Item #: 1133005 Diamond code: APR111290 ISBN: 9780441020539

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