Mice Templar Vol 3 A Mid-Winter Nights Dream #8 Cover B Victor Santos - Midtown Comics

Mice Templar Vol 3 A Mid-Winter Nights Dream #8

Cover B Victor Santos

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


THE DREAM OF A MIDWINTER'S NIGHT' The stunning double-size finale of the penultimate arc! Karic has lain comatose for an entire season…yet the realm of dreams is a portal to the Outer Darkness where Donas rules. Cut off from the physical world, Karic wages a desperate battle for his very soul against overwhelming forces of ancient evil. Meanwhile, the druids confront the Readers of the Wheat, and the priesthood doesn't stand a chance against the dark powers of Black Anaius, the fearsome druid-witch of Kildre Hill!

Item #: 1136344 Diamond code: MAY110518 UPC: 70985300964100821

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