Gambit From The Marvel Vault #1 - Midtown Comics

Gambit From The Marvel Vault #1

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X-Man Gambit joins the Champions to take down the Mental Organism Designed Only For Killing! From those halcyon days gone by when the Champions were L.A.'s premier super-team comes this amazing assemblage featuring: Ghost Rider, the Black Widow, Angel, Remy LeBeau and the demi-god Hercules! The Champions are in a desperate race to stop the malevolent MODOK from coming into possession of the Scroll of Vishota. With such a parchment in your control, world?domination is but moments away. Looks as if the ragin' Cajun showed up just in time!

Item #: 1142414 Diamond code: JUN110673 UPC: 75960607605500111

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