Warlord Of Mars #13 Cover F 2nd Ptg Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Warlord Of Mars #13

Cover F 2nd Ptg Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"John Carter returns to Mars to be with his beloved princess and the son he has never know - at least, that was his plan. He arrives on the Red Planet in a forest of horrors, a place he's never seen before. Fortunately, an old friend joins him soon enough. Before Carter can look for answers about where he is, he's going to have to do what he does best - kick a little ass. Well, more than a little! Warlord of Mars #13: A Forest Battle is the thrilling first installment of the Gods of Mars story arc, believed by some, including the writer of this very blurb, to be the finest of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars novels. You don't want to miss it!"

Item #: 1180027 Diamond code: OCT118131 UPC: 725130187178

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