Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms 100-Page Spectacular - Midtown Comics

Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms 100-Page Spectacular

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Thrill to these classic tales of the Forgotten Realms, selected by creator Ed Greenwood! First, a thrilling 2-part adventure-adapted from Greenwood's own story 'Elminster at the Magefair'! Plus two classic, genre-busting Forgotten Realms comics from the 1990s: 'Head Cheeeese', in which the halfling Foxy battles a very case of... er, food poisoning? And a very unusual peek behind the curtain in 'Everybody Wants to Run the Realms.'

Item #: 1183455 Diamond code: FEB120317 UPC: 82771400330700111

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