Dungeons & Dragons Eberron Annual 2012 #1 Cover B Incentive Valerio Schiti Wraparound Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Dungeons & Dragons Eberron Annual 2012 #1

Cover B Incentive Valerio Schiti Wraparound Variant Cover

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"They call Sharn the 'City of Towers'... but it's what's below the surface that interests Abraxis Wren, the most notorious inquisitive in the land. As Wren and his assistant Torin begin an investigation that pulls at the strings that bind the city together, it's their own lives that might unravel! Writer Paul Crilley continues spinning tales in the exciting world of Eberron, following up last month's Infestation 2 crossover--joined by hot artist Paco Diaz (Wolverine)--in this double-sized, all-new annual!"

Item #: 1204787 Diamond code: JAN120426 UPC: 82771400327700121

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