Sparrow And Crowe The Demoniac Of Los Angeles #1 - Midtown Comics

Sparrow And Crowe The Demoniac Of Los Angeles #1

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Sparrow and Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles combines old-school horror with modern cinematic storytelling, as Dr. Crowe, a washed-up exorcist haunted by his own demons, and Sparrow, his sardonic Goth-girl partner, face off against Crowe's biggest failure and greatest enemy when a powerful demon possesses the daughter of a Los Angeles crimelord. It's a catch-22 for the duo, as they're stuck between both hell and the mob, with the girl's life hanging in the balance.

Item #: 1205327 Diamond code: MAY121179 UPC: 85279400400500100 ISBN: 9781613450260

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