Creativity Of Ditko HC - Midtown Comics
Creativity Of Ditko HC
Creativity Of Ditko HC

Creativity Of Ditko HC

Creativity Of Ditko HC

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Steve Ditko's most creative comics are lovingly reproduced in a beautiful large format hardback book, 'The Creativity of Steve Ditko,' a companion to Craig Yoe's previous 'The Art of Ditko.' Forward by Paul Levitz with revealing essays by Mike Gold, Jack Harris, Mikal Banta, and Amber Stanton. Amber, daughter of fetish artist Eric Stanton, gives ground-breaking background about when her father and Ditko shared a studio for nearly a decade and worked on each others projects during the creation of Spider-Man.

Item #: 1206379 Diamond code: MAY120464 ISBN: 9781613772768

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