FCBD 2012 Transformers #80.5 - Midtown Comics

FCBD 2012 Transformers #80.5

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"Midtown Comics presents Free Comic Book Day 2012! We're proud to offer 42 new FCBD titles this year, and all are welcome to one copy of each, while supplies last. Please be aware that while the books are free, there is a 29 cent handling fee per book.

The wait is over--after a 20-year hiatus, IDW proudly returns to the original TRANSFORMERS comic book universe, picking up right where 1991's TRANSFORMERS #80 left off! Optimus Prime, Grimlock, Kup, Hot Rod and all your favorite Generation One TRANSFORMERS characters charge into the future as fan-favorite writer Simon Furman and legendary Transformers artist Andrew Wildman present TRANSFORMERS #80.5! Reflecting back on the dizzying highs and the terrifying lows of the original run of Transformers comics, Optimus Prime watches over a Cybertron that hasn't faced Megatron for decades. But that peace shudders to an end, as we dive headlong into July's TRANSFORMERS #81! Because the Fans demanded it! Thousand of TRANSFORMERS fans signed petitions urging us to make this book--and IDW listened! Created by the same writer, penciler, and inker of TRANSFORMER #80 in 1991! Bonus features make clear IDW's current TRANSFORMERS line of comics, as well as our extensive reprint program!"

Item #: 1209551 Diamond code: JAN120008 UPC: 82771400329100111

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