Archer & Armstrong Vol 2 #3 Cover A Regular Arturo Lozzi Cover - Midtown Comics

Archer & Armstrong Vol 2 #3

Cover A Regular Arturo Lozzi Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Fnord! Those email forwards Grandma sends you? ALL TRUE. Every lurid cover of every supermarket tabloid? ALL TRUE. That impossible-to-read GeoCities site rambling on about truthers, birthers and black ops alien greys working for the U.N.? ALL TRUE. The Sect has dragged a curtain of confusion across the inner workings of your world, but fear not, the conspiracy-busters Archer & Armstrong are here to deliver Truth in the form of ass-kicking! (And ass-kicking in the form of ass-kicking.) Our heroes' newfound friendship will face its greatest test as they battle The Sisters of Perpetual Darkness - the Nunjas ('ninja' + 'nun') who guard Rome's blasphemous secrets. Obadiah Archer thought he had been betrayed by his family before, but nothing can prepare him for this!

Item #: 1220938 Diamond code: AUG121337 UPC: 85899200306200311

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