Elric The Balance Lost #12 Incentive Francesco Mattina Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Elric The Balance Lost #12

Incentive Francesco Mattina Virgin Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"The Final Issue of this Epic Fantasy Series! All four Eternal Champions - Elric, Hawkmoon, Corum and Eric Beck - find themselves allied at the edge of the Multiverse, battling a lost god for the fate of all. The Balance seems precariously lost, and there may be nothing left of any world when the dust settles! The final issue of fantasy author Michael Moorcock and New York Times bestseller Chris Roberson's (iZombie, Stan Lee's Starborn) comic masterpiece, called 'one of BOOM!'s best!' Don't miss the stunning conclusion!"

Item #: 1231717 Diamond code: APR120895 UPC: 84428400200401221

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