SpongeBob Comics #17 - Midtown Comics

SpongeBob Comics #17

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Readers take SpongeBob's fate into their own hands in 'Trading Laces,' a choose-your-own-pourous-path interactive adventure comic by puzzle-designer Robert Leighton (The New Yorker) and artist Gregg Schigiel (X-Babies). Then find out the secret of Gary's new odd behavior in 'Filthy Habit.' And Bob Flynn (Bravest Warriors) provides a key to 'What Lurks Inside the Jelly Hive.' All this plus SpongeFunnies by James Kochalka (American Elf) and a fill-in comic by Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy)!

Item #: 1241778 Diamond code: DEC120900 UPC: 85107700300101711

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