Death Sentence #3 Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Michael Dowling Cover - Midtown Comics

Death Sentence #3

Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Michael Dowling Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Given amazing superpowers - and six months to live - by the G+ Virus, three Londoners struggle to make their time count! Discover what made Monty such a manipulative git; can he use his powers to climb all the way to the top? Washed-up singer-songwriter Weasel puts in a paternity visit - and ends up on the run from GCHQ's power-hunting division! Already imprisoned, can Verity's artistic side flower in captivity? More importantly, is there a chance that the G+ Virus could be cured?

Item #: 1286405 Diamond code: AUG131452 UPC: 07447062518600311

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