Doctor Who Scavenger Audio CD - Midtown Comics
Doctor Who Scavenger Audio CD
Doctor Who Scavenger Audio CD

Doctor Who Scavenger Audio CD

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Starring Colin Baker as the sixth Doctor. Thursday 28 May 2071: the day the Anglo-Indian Salvage 2 rocket launches. Its mission: to clean up space; to remove from Earth's orbit over a century's worth of manmade junk. From the viewing window of a nearby space station, the Doctor and Flip have a unique view of Salvage 2 as it sets about its essential task - and of the disaster that unfolds when Salvage 2 encounters something it's not been programmed to deal with. Something not of human manufacture.

Item #: 1321683 Diamond code: JAN141498 ISBN: 9781781783009

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