God Is Dead #10 Cover D Iconic Cover - Midtown Comics

God Is Dead #10

Cover D Iconic Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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More returned gods and demigods have targeted the Earth as their own. Now where once there was a single pantheon under Mother Earth Gaia, there is a churning vortex of divine anger and wrath. Mankind plotted to overthrow a god. But little did they know that the solution may be worse than the problem. MIKE COSTA continues JONATHAN HICKMAN's vision for the war of the divine in the pages of God is Dead!

Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

Item #: 1327550 Diamond code: FEB140995 UPC: 82002300784410031

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