Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #5 - Midtown Comics

Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #5

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  • Deliberately walking into a trap to save the life of scientist Elise Fong, ex-CIA operative Farrow Greene finds herself surrounded by metal monstrosities, as she contends with not only the T-800 but a host of other robot enemies reverse engineered by mercenaries!

  • Superstar artist Jamal Igle (Supergirl)!

  • "A great start to what should be a stellar mini-series that comes recommended." - Unleash the Fanboy

  • "This one offers adventure and tension, same as the original movie, but throws in a noteworthy mystery." - Comic Book Resources

  • "Jamal Igle's art is solid, offering a look similar to that seen in The Final Battle currently. The action is clean and the characters are expressive." - IGN

Item #: 1339520 Diamond code: APR140063 UPC: 76156824901900511

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