Quantum & Woody Vol 3 #9 Cover C Incentive Kano Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Quantum & Woody Vol 3 #9

Cover C Incentive Kano Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"ALL-NEW ARC! START READING HERE! The world's worst superhero team welcomes fan favorite artist Kano (Swamp Thing, Gotham Central) aboard to stop the latest scourge on the streets - ROBOTS! Eric needs to know he can trust Woody - and that means Woody needs to get a job, open a bank account, sign up for a library card, and do all the things a responsible adult does. But when a new gang of rogue mad-scientist super-criminals launch a wave of ROBO-CRIME, will Woody stop them… or join them? Plus - the return of EDISON'S RADICAL ACQUISITIONS?!"

Item #: 1341871 Diamond code: FEB141471 UPC: 85899200310900931

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