Unity Vol 2 #10 Cover B Variant Donovan Santiago ValiantCraft Cover (Armor Hunters Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Unity Vol 2 #10

Cover B Variant Donovan Santiago ValiantCraft Cover (Armor Hunters Tie-In)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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In battle with the Armor Hunters! Mankind is locked in a life or death struggle against the alien Armor Hunters, and the fate of civilization itself now lies with the the unlikely team of short-tempered walking weapons called Unity! Can X-O Manowar give Ninjak, Livewire, and the Eternal Warrior enough of an edge to stop the galaxy's most feared team of hunter-killers before more die? There's no quarter asked and none given as Valiant's all-star superteam goes on the offensive!

Item #: 1354026 Diamond code: JUN141497 UPC: 85899200312301021

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