Crossed Badlands #62 Cover D Fatal Fantasy Cover - Midtown Comics

Crossed Badlands #62

Cover D Fatal Fantasy Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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DAVID LAPHAM returns to the brutal world of Crossed with a crime story told both before and after the Crossed outbreak! Lapham's vision for the misery of the Crossed is unparalleled. A father is pushed to the brink when his family is tortured by a horrific thug. But then C-Day happened and the World changed. A mystery to solve gets much harder in a World of psychotics! There is no help and there is no hope. There is only the Crossed. Available with Regular and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Gabriel Andrade, Torture cover by Rafa Ortiz, Wraparound cover by German Erramouspe, and Fatal Fantasy cover by Matt Martin.

Item #: 1362883 Diamond code: JUL140889 UPC: 82002300769162041

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