Doctor Who 11th Doctor #4 Cover B Variant Photo Subscription Cover - Midtown Comics

Doctor Who 11th Doctor #4

Cover B Variant Photo Subscription Cover

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Alice Obiefune always wanted to see a space station, one of those proper ones, like on television, with impressive bulkheads, sweeping corridors, and stunning views of eternity. Maybe with an exotic matter wormhole nearby, if it's not too much trouble. Aliens optional, but a bonus as long as they're friendly. That's just one of the reasons Alice and the Doctor have come to a remote space research facility. Tracking the temporal trail of the slippery SERVEYOUinc corporation, has the Doctor found more than he bargained for? And will this entity from between the stars be the death of them all?

Item #: 1362902 Diamond code: JUL141435 UPC: 07447062548300421

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