Army Of Darkness Ash Gets Hitched #4 Cover B Variant Francesco Francavilla Cover - Midtown Comics

Army Of Darkness Ash Gets Hitched #4

Cover B Variant Francesco Francavilla Cover

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Is there anything more romantic than the sound of wedding bells and a revving chainsaw? The happy union of timelost bad-ass Ashley J. Williams and lovely maiden Sheila is threatened by an Army-No-Longer-Limited-to-Darkness and their unstoppable leader, The Faceless Man. Will our hero overcome the Deadite hordes and get some sugar? Or will the undead armies force the bride and groom to hail The Faceless One as the king, baby? The ultimate experience in matrimonial horror ends here!

Item #: 1369433 Diamond code: AUG141334 UPC: 72513021784404021

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