Crossed Badlands #75 Deluxe Collector Box Set - Midtown Comics

Crossed Badlands #75

Deluxe Collector Box Set

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Prepare for C-Day 2015 with all ten of the solicited Crossed: Badlands #75 covers in this deluxe box set, and three exclusive editions! The Regular, Wraparound, Torture, Art Deco, Femme Fatale, Homo Tortor, Ritual, Megafauna Mayhem, Terror Birds, and the Red Crossed order incentive are included. But that is not all! You also get two Crossed: Badlands #75 exclusive VIP editions and the super-rare Saber Tooth cover, all three of those only available in this boxed set! Limited to just 500 sets, these are sure to go fast! Allocations may occur.

Item #: 1414126 Diamond code: FEB151030 UPC: 82002300769175111

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