SpongeBob Comics #43 - Midtown Comics

SpongeBob Comics #43

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


When SpongeBob's most awesome feats of fry-cookery fail to impress Mr. Krabs, the desperate sponge resorts to forbidden experiments to push himself up the short-order evolutionary ladder. Behold the all-encompassing kitchen power of 'FryCook 2.0.' Then, in 'Mommie Drearest' the Flying Dutchman must beg SpongeBob to help him clean up his act before his ghostly, yet persnickety, mother visits. All this plus aquatic comics by Stephen DeStefano, Maris Wicks, Joey Weiser, and more!

Item #: 1414327 Diamond code: FEB151098 UPC: 85107700300104311

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