Quantum & Woody Must Die #2 Cover C Incentive Sina Grace Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Quantum & Woody Must Die #2

Cover C Incentive Sina Grace Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"The fix is in - and award-winning creators James Asmus (Gambit) and Steve Lieber (Superior Foes of Spider-Man) are about to unleash a world of hurt on the world's worst superhero mis-adventurers!

Quantum and Woody have been hyp-mo-tized! But why? And how did these two chuckleheads suddenly become the heroes and idols of millions? A sinister puppet master lays his cards on the table and activates his Manchurian Candidates. Because when the world's worst superhero team swoops into action, Quantum and Woody must die!"

Item #: 1420063 Diamond code: DEC141724 UPC: 85899200325300231

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