Crossed Badlands #78 Cover A Regular Cover - Midtown Comics

Crossed Badlands #78

Cover A Regular Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Kieron Gillen explores ancient history and a point where the human species was nearly wiped out by a tribe of monstrous killers. And in the present, the search for the man whose theory of the Homo Tortor was mocked reaches a frenzied pace as he may have the only true understanding of what the Crossed plague is. Monsters and madmen collide in a one of a kind tale that is one part apocalypse and one part prehistoric slaughter. There is no help, there is no hope. There is only the Crossed. Available with Regular and Wraparound Covers by Fernando Heinz, Torture Cover by Raulo Caceres, Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale, and a Megafauna Mayhem and Red Crossed Incentive Covers also by Heinz.

Item #: 1426784 Diamond code: APR151122 UPC: 82002300769178011

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