Bloodshot Reborn #1 Cover J Midtown Comics Retailer Shared Exclusive CAFU Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Bloodshot Reborn #1

Cover J Midtown Comics Retailer Shared Exclusive CAFU Variant Cover

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From New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (THE VALIANT, Green Arrow) and red-hot rising star Mico Suayan (HARBINGER, Moon Knight), VALIANT NEXT delivers an all-new ongoing series for Valiant's most unrelenting hero! Bloodshot's nanites made him a nearly unstoppable killing machine. His enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and healing made him the perfect weapon, and he served his masters at Project Rising Spirit - a private contractor trafficking in violence - very well. Now, Bloodshot is a shadow of his former self. He lives in selfimposed exile, reeling from the consequences of his past life and the recent events that nearly drove him mad. But when a rash of shootings by gunmen who appear to look just like Bloodshot begin, his guilt will send him on a mission to stop the killers, even if it means diving headlong into the violence that nearly destroyed him.

Item #: 1432327 Diamond code: FEB158124 UPC: 85899200329180111

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