Civil War (Secret Wars) #1 Cover I DF Signed By Charles Soule (Secret Wars Warzones Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Civil War (Secret Wars) #1

Cover I DF Signed By Charles Soule (Secret Wars Warzones Tie-In)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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What is the top-secret Project Bellcurve and does it hold the key to ending the war in one swift stroke? What damning data could undo President Stark's administration from within? And worst of all - what unseen enemies seek to exploit the Superhuman Civil War for their own gains? Find out one of the biggest stories in Marvel history is reborn on Battleworld in ! Whose side are you on?

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Item #: 1438610 Diamond code: MAY151339 UPC: 725130236425

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