Lady Mechanika Tablet Of Destinies #3 Cover A Regular Joe Benitez Martin Montiel Mike Garcia Cover - Midtown Comics

Lady Mechanika Tablet Of Destinies #3

Cover A Regular Joe Benitez Martin Montiel Mike Garcia Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Lady Mechanika journeys to the Continent on rumors that young Winifred was taken to the German countryside and imprisoned in a remote castle. But is the source of these rumors a friend or foe? And what is his true interest in the Tablet of Destinies? Ships with a cover from Joe Benitez, Martin Montiel and Mike Montiel (cover A) and a cover from Benitez and Peter Steigerwald (cover B)."

Item #: 1463062 Diamond code: APR151156 UPC: 70623833130400311

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