Book Of Death #4 Cover B Variant Mico Suayan Cover - Midtown Comics

Book Of Death #4

Cover B Variant Mico Suayan Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


An evil Geomancer has torn the world asunder… The dark puppet master pulling the strings has been unmasked... And the Valiant Universe as we know it is being torn apart… The end is here! Now, not even the combined might of the Valiant's best and brightest can avert the coming apocalypse - not without a sacrifice, that is. Who will pay the ultimate price to avoid the Armageddon promised in the pages of the Book of the Geomancer? And how will it irrevocably change the course of Valiant Universe? All the answers are here in the climactic final chapter by longtime Valiant scribe Robert Venditti and comics' hottest rising star Robert Gill! So let it be written… So let it be done!

Item #: 1470176 Diamond code: AUG151758 UPC: 85899200331400421

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