Crossed Badlands #84 Cover F Incentive Red Crossed Edition - Midtown Comics

Crossed Badlands #84

Cover F Incentive Red Crossed Edition

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Convinced by Morgan and Olivia that their food source could either be compromised or possibly even be the source of whatever started the Crossed epidemic, the bridge dwellers begin to re-think their survival strategy, and select a 'procurement team' to venture to the ground in the search for supplies and untainted food. But having lived in the relative safety that the collapsed bridge provides since the beginning of the outbreak, can the team possibly be prepared for what they will find down on the ground, among the roving gangs of Crossed? Available with Regular Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound & Torture Covers by Raulo Caceres, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier."

Item #: 1483738 Diamond code: JUL151023 UPC: 82002300769184061

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