Bobs Burgers Vol 2 #3 Cover D DF Geek Fuel Exclusive Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Bobs Burgers Vol 2 #3

Cover D DF Geek Fuel Exclusive Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


In the third issue of Volume 2 of the Bob's Burgers Comic Book, we bring you more titillating tales from the Belchers! Louise discovers the wondrous wonders of the ride that stops time; Genederella is given a chance to attend a Joyous Jam Jamboree with the help of a special fairy; Tina brings us on a super-spy adventure to sabotage an evil villain; Bob's imagination drives his latest Fantasy Food Truck; and Linda tries again to take a nice family photo in front of the restaurant.

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Item #: 1489773 Diamond code: OCT151431 UPC: 725130243195

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