Bloodshot Reborn #10 Cover C Variant Dave Johnson Cover - Midtown Comics

Bloodshot Reborn #10

Cover C Variant Dave Johnson Cover

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ALL-NEW ARC! ALL-NEW JUMPING-ON POINT! WHO OR WHAT IS… 'THE ANALOG MAN'? Many years from now, Los Angeles has become a post-apocalyptic wasteland and the once unstoppable killing machine known as BLOODSHOT has become THE ANALOG MAN. Hopelessly outdated, Bloodshot's taken on a new role as the protector of a small town, eking out a subsistence existence with the great love of his life - Magic - and protecting a group of stragglers who've weathered the storm. But when a gang of marauders arrives, the settlement's survival is threatened, and Bloodshot is forced to bring justice to the distorted and disjointed badlands of the Valiant Universe! Blockbuster artist Lewis LaRosa joins New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire for a gasoline-soaked storyline two years in the making right here for 'THE ANALOG MAN'!

Item #: 1495345 Diamond code: NOV151690 UPC: 85899200329101031

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