Will Eisners Spirit #7 Cover B Incentive Eric Powell Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Will Eisners Spirit #7

Cover B Incentive Eric Powell Virgin Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The Spirit's return to Central City stirs up both resentment and fear among the local crime scene, and mob boss Larson E. Jones soon sets a price on the blue-masked hero's life. Meanwhile, The Spirit himself tries to set things right in regards to his long-stalled romance with Ellen Dolan, and the detective team of Ebony White and Sammy Strunk dig up evidence that leads to a shadow corporation - one acting as a front for the illicit activities of the mysterious international crime lord, Mikado Vaas! Eisner Award-winning author Matt Wagner continues his loving homage to one of comicdom's most iconic characters, all the while breaking new ground with the dynamic visual stylings of artist Dan Schkade and colorist Brennan Wagner.

Item #: 1496879 Diamond code: NOV151307 UPC: 72513023508407021

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